#IndyMini Ambassador: Chris Day

A record-breaking 42 #IndyMini Ambassadors are training, recruiting and inspiring others in preparation for the 42nd running of the OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon. We’re sharing their stories through a series of blog posts; 2018 Ambassador Features.  Here is one of their stories.    Chris’ Story I’m just your average, ordinary, everyday middle-aged guy with a busy family and career, who … Continue reading “#IndyMini Ambassador: Chris Day”

A record-breaking 42 #IndyMini Ambassadors are training, recruiting and inspiring others in preparation for the 42nd running of the OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon. We’re sharing their stories through a series of blog posts; 2018 Ambassador Features.  Here is one of their stories. 


Chris’ Story

I’m just your average, ordinary, everyday middle-aged guy with a busy family and career, who put on a few extra pounds while sitting at a desk all day. Running became my opportunity to get some exercise, spend some time alone or with friends and reduce stress. I started taking care of myself and as the miles increased – the weight decreased, so I just kept going. I take a great deal of pride in being 6’2” and 230+ pounds and completing multiple half and full marathons every year.


Chris’ #IndyMini Experience

I have completed eight Indy Minis and even though I ran my first Indy Mini in 2001, it wasn’t until I developed a weight problem in 2008 that I found a renewed love for running as a way to keep the weight off! I’ve always enjoyed the personal accomplishment of finishing an individual event like running because no one can do it for you. “If it is to be, it is up to me,” – William H Johnsen.

Chris’ Advice

SMILE! Race day is the celebration of your hard work! Have a plan and trust your training. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Find every camera on the course and smile with your arms raised high… especially for the finish line camera! You never know if you’ll have another opportunity like this, so cherish every step… even the painful ones.


Feeling inspired by Chris’s story? If you’re interested in participating in the 2018 OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon, click here


Chris, along with our other Ambassadors, will be sharing his training experience and motivation leading up to the race. Follow along and share your experience using #IndyMini on social media!