2021 #IndyMini Ambassador Spotlight — Monica Roose

Name: Monica Roose 

Hometown: Goshen, IN 

Year of First Indy Mini: 2012 

Fun fact: I’ve been lucky enough to run a half marathon in Hawaii! 

Favorite #IndyMini memory: My favorite #IndyMini memory is from 2018 when I was first selected as an Indy Mini ambassador. I met a lot of great people in the running community that I still am in contact with. I also had a lot of family and friends sign up to run, which always makes me happy! 

Favorite song to listen to when running: I don’t have a favorite song, but I do prefer to run to 90’s and 2000’s music. 

Advice for #IndyMini first-timers:  Taking on the #IndyMini can be intimidating. Trust your training, and take it one mile at a time. Take a break when you need to, and get back at it. The accomplishment you feel when you cross the finish line will be worth it! 

How are you making your Virtual #IndyMini experience memorable this year? I hope to run the virtual #IndyMini on the Canal on the day the race would have been. I’m hoping to run with other #IndyMini participants to make it seem like an actual race.