How to Add More Miles to Your Day

Congratulations, you took a giant step for your health by registering for a virtual challenge! There’s no limit to how you can log your miles. However, sometimes life gets in the way and finding time for those extra miles can be a challenge. We’re here to help! Here are some almost effortless ways to sneak … Continue reading “How to Add More Miles to Your Day”

Congratulations, you took a giant step for your health by registering for a virtual challenge! There’s no limit to how you can log your miles. However, sometimes life gets in the way and finding time for those extra miles can be a challenge. We’re here to help! Here are some almost effortless ways to sneak in some more miles into your day.

    1. Take a ten minute break from work by going for a walk
    2. Find a free 30 min fitness class on YouTube
    3. Park a few spots away from the entrance when running errands or going out to eat
    4. Take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible
    5. Set your fitness watch or phone to remind you to get up and move once an hour
    6. Recommend fun fitness activities with friends and family, like biking, paddling, hiking and more!
    7. Go for a morning walk with your dog
    8. If in the office, walk to a coworker to ask a quick question instead of sending an IM or email
    9. Power walk through a few extra aisles at the grocery store
    10. Use a smaller cup or bottle for water to sneak some extra steps in for refills!


Good luck and have fun on your virtual challenge!