2020 #IndyMini Ambassador Spotlight

Name: Danielle Shively Where You Live: Lafayette, IN Year of First Indy Mini: 2015 Fun Fact:Never ran track or played sports until high school.  Volleyball and short distance were my thing, but long jump was my favorite. I became a group fit instructor as an adult and did everything to avoid running until 2015.  Favorite … Continue reading “2020 #IndyMini Ambassador Spotlight”

Name: Danielle Shively

Where You Live: Lafayette, IN

Year of First Indy Mini: 2015

Fun Fact:
Never ran track or played sports until high school.  Volleyball and short distance were my thing, but long jump was my favorite. I became a group fit instructor as an adult and did everything to avoid running until 2015. 

Favorite Place to Run:

Outdoors on state park trails, wooded or paved, and when visiting Indy the Canal of course. 


Running takes time, patience, and dedication.  Listen to your body and be patient for the transformation.  The running family is very welcoming to beginners, and extremely supportive on all levels.  Reach out ask for help and realize we all had to start somewhere.  There is never a question to be embarrassed by so don’t be afraid to ask, and most importantly enjoy your journey and realize that even your story will inspire someone new.