For the Love of Running

Between Valentine’s Day and it being American Heart Month, February is the month most associated with hearts and love. The OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon is a great way to get moving and start eating well, essential things for good cardiovascular health! For John Love of Carmel, Ind., the #IndyMini is more than just a half … Continue reading “For the Love of Running”

Between Valentine’s Day and it being American Heart Month, February is the month most associated with hearts and love. The OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon is a great way to get moving and start eating well, essential things for good cardiovascular health! For John Love of Carmel, Ind., the #IndyMini is more than just a half marathon; it’s a celebration of heart health and recovery.


In Spring of 2016, John Love went in for his routine heart scan at St. Vincent’s. Even though John ate well and regularly exercised, it was recommended by his doctor due to his family history of heart disease, high blood pressure, and cholesterol. While the preliminary results came back great, doctors identified an aneurysm in his ascending aorta after a more thorough review of the scan. After meeting with his cardiologist, it was determined that John needed open heart surgery to repair the aneurysm.


On June 20, 2016, John underwent his surgery. The surgery had John reflecting on how he could further improve his heart health, and set out to partake in as many local 5Ks he could accomplish. What started out as what he calls a “slog” (slow jog), his speed and enjoyment of running improved over the next year.


It was over a dinner in December of 2017 that a good friend of John’s encouraged him to sign up for the OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon. Never in his life did he imagine he would complete 13.1 miles in one race, but the past two years taught him that he can achieve what he sets his mind to, so he created his training schedule. Under his doctor’s supervision, he trained for his first half marathon.

John crossed the #IndyMini finish line on May 5, 2018, almost two years after his open heart surgery. The sense of accomplishment was overwhelming. It wasn’t a world record time, but for John, it meant so much more to him than that. Now, he’s training for his second #IndyMini and is ready to cross the finish line on May 4. Why? Because there’s so much to love about this race.


Register now for 2019 OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon! Whether it’s your first time or fifteenth, you’ll be filled with excitement and a sense of accomplishment when you cross the finish line.


Always consult your physician before starting a new exercise regimen. The American Heart Association recommends that all adults 20 or older have their cholesterol and other traditional risk factors checked every four to six years.