Indy Mini 1st-Timer’s Guide: Commonly Asked Questions

It’s not just any half marathon; it’s the OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini Marathon. As one of the nation’s largest half marathons, packed with unique experiences and sacred tradition, questions come with the territory.   Each year, the Indy Mini is refined to create the best experience for participants as they take on The Greatest Spectacle … Continue reading “Indy Mini 1st-Timer’s Guide: Commonly Asked Questions”

It’s not just any half marathon; it’s the OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini Marathon. As one of the nation’s largest half marathons, packed with unique experiences and sacred tradition, questions come with the territory.


Each year, the Indy Mini is refined to create the best experience for participants as they take on The Greatest Spectacle in Running. For novices and annual participants alike, we’ve compiled some commonly asked questions and answers so that your only worry on race day will be the 13.1 miles between the start and finish line!


Join the discussion on the 2018 Indy Mini 1st Timers Facebook page and interact with other Indy Mini Participants with questions, advice and encouragement!


Q: Where can I get my results for the Mini-Marathon?

A: Participants can find their results by scanning the QR code on their bib, through the IndyMini app or by clicking here. Results from past Mini-Marathons may also be obtained here, dating back to 1994.


Q: Where is my starting location for the Mini-Marathon?

A: All participants will have a corral letter on their bib number. This letter corresponds to a specific starting location based on your estimated finishing time. You must start in this corral or, if you are starting with another person that is in a different corral, you must start in the slower of the two locations. The order of the corrals are as follows (from fastest to slowest) A, B, C, D, E, F, etc. See the start line map for a diagram of the start area and to locate your corral.


Q: How do I get to Indianapolis? Where do I park?

A: Download Indianapolis maps and downtown parking maps here.

See Mini-Marathon street closings here.


Q: Where do I get my race bib?

A: You can pick up your race number at the 500 Festival Mini-Marathon Expo located in the Indiana Convention Center, 100 S. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis. Mini-Marathon Expo hours:

Thursday, May 3 from 4 – 8 p.m., Friday, May 4 from 10 a.m. – 9 p.m.



Q: Can I run in the 5K instead of the Mini-Marathon?

A: Yes, if you are registered for the Mini-Marathon and would like to participate in the 5K, simply line up with the 5K participants wearing your Mini-Marathon bib. Your results will reflect that you participated in the 5K and you will receive a 5K medal. The 5K will begin at 7:00 am.


Q: I’m faster now than when I signed up, can I update my estimated finish time?

A: See the solutions desk at the Mini-Marathon Expo


Q: Is there an app available for download?

A: Yes, search Indy Mini in the App Store to download the free Indy Mini app! Get access to important event details, runner tracking, live results, news, social media and more.


Q: Heading into the last few weeks before the race, should I start decreasing the intensity of my training

A: Some participants find it beneficial to “taper” their training as they approach race day. Check out the Tapering Guidelines for the Indy Mini blog post to learn more.


Q: Where are the water stations?

A: The water stations are named Pit Areas as part of the Festival’s ties to automotive racing. Click here for a course map. Pit Areas with water are marked with a “W” on the course map and will have blue banners on the course on event day. Pit Areas with Gatorade Endurance Formula are marked with a “G” on the course map and will have green banners on the course on event day. Click here for a list.


Q: What if I can’t finish the race?

A: The Back of the Pack crew will be on hand to help, and there will be a bus following the last participants of the race. Any Mini-Marathon participants who cannot finish, or cannot keep up with the 18 minute/mile minimum pace can ride the bus to the Post Race Party.


Q: When does the race officially end?

A: Approximately 12:45 p.m. local time.


Q: Where should I meet my family after the race?

A: Meet your friends and family in the Family Reunion Area located at the Post Race Party in Military Park. This area will be divided by letter of the alphabet and will feature live entertainment. A map of the Post Race Party can be found here. Please make meeting plans prior to the start of the Mini-Marathon.


Q: Where can I check my gear during the race?

A: UPS Gear check is provided for Mini-Marathon participants, and is located on West Street, north of the start line and south of the Post Race Party. Please use the bag you received at the Expo and tear off tag located on your bib. UPS Trucks are arranged by bib number. Please identify your bib number and corresponding truck to check your gear.


Hopefully your questions have all been answered. All that stands between you and a successful Indy Mini is 13.1 miles with thousands of friends in the nation’s premier half marathon. Happy racing!